Kamis, 03 Juli 2014

Style in written english

An English writing style is a way of using the English language.
The style of a piece of writing is the way in which features of the language are used to convey meaning, typically but not always within the constraints of more widely accepted conventions of usage, grammar, and spelling.
An individual's writing style may be a very personal thing. Organizations that employ writers or commission written work from individuals may require that writers conform to a standardized style defined by the organization. This allows a consistent readability of composite works produced by many authors, and promotes usability of, for example, references to other cited works.
In many kinds of professional writing aiming for effective transfer of information, adherence to a standardised style of writing helps readers make sense of what the writer is presenting. Many standardised styles are documented in style guides. Some styles are more widely used, others restricted to a particular journal. Adherence to no particular style is also a style in its own right; some may think it undesirable, others not.
Principles of English written style:
Note: these are principles: they are by no means to be considered as "rules".
  • The more formal a document  is, the more it will use inanimate nouns as subjects of a sentence.
  • The more formal language is, the more it is likely to use passive structures.
  • The more formal language is, the more verbal nouns it will use.
  • The more formal a document is, the more words of Latin origin it will use.
  • The more informal or spontaneous language is, the more it will use humans as the subjects of sentences.
  • The more informal a text is, the less it will use passive structures,
  • The more informal a text is, the more it will use verb structures (where a choice is possible) instead of verbal nouns.
  • The more informal or spoken a text is, the more words of Germanic origin it will use.
Here are some examples; in each case, the same idea is expressed using three different levels of formality: look at the different changes that occur, as we move from a formal style to an informal one.
1. The inclement climatic conditions obliged the President to return earlier than scheduled.
The president was obliged to return earlier than planned due to poor weather conditions.
The president had to go back sooner than  planned because the weather was so bad.
2. Please await instructions before dispatching items.
Please wait for instructions before sending items off.
Don't send anything off until you're told to do so. Essential measures should be undertaken at the earliest opportunity.
One should undertake any necessary measures at the earliest opportunity.
You should do whatever you have to as soon as you can. Prior to the discovery of America, potatoes were not consumed in Europe.
Before America was discovered, potatoes were not eaten in Europe.
Before they discovered America, Europeans didn't eat potatoes.

From Written to spoken styles
Written and spoken versions of a language use different styles, different registers. To talk in "written English" may be no more appropriate than to write using a "spoken" variety of English. Generally speaking, written English is always more formal than spoken English. nevertheless, there are informal forms of written English (notably in fiction and in the popular press), and formal styles of spoken English, in particular "discourse", or prepared speech.
In the following examples, the same message is expressed in five different styles, from an extremely formal written style, to the very informal spoken style. 
Note in particular how the colour coded word groups evolve.
(The information expressed in the following examples is necessarily quite technical, as formal jargon levels of expression are totally inappropriate for non technical communication). 


a) Jargon, very formal. This is the style of language used in official reports, technical studies, etc. It is exclusively a style of written English, full of verbal nouns,technical words and passives.
Consequent to the appreciation in the exchange value of Sterling against other currencies, necessary fiscal measures were introduced by the government in order to reduce the likelihood of an import-led consumer spending surge.
b) Written, formal, clear.
This is clear, written English, as found in the press or in documents aimed at ordinary educated readers.
After the international value of Sterling rose, the government was obliged to take fiscal measures to reduce the likelihood of a surge in consumer spending led by cheaper imports.
c) Written style for the general public, discourse, scripted radio or TV news style.
As the value of Sterling increased compared to other currencies, the government was forced to take tax measures to head offa rapid increase in consumer spending spurred on by cheaper imports.
d) Formal spoken style - radio, seminar, talk.
As Sterling's international value went up, the government had to take tax measures to head off a consumer spending boom spurred on by cheaper imports.
e) Relaxed, informal spoken style: discussion.
There is plenty of use of prepositional verbs. All actions are now expressed through verbs, not verbal nouns
As Sterling went up in value, the government had to put up taxes to stop consumers splashing out on too many cheap imports.
f) relaxed, simplified, chat, very informal spoken style; 
Note the addition of repetition and fillers.
And you see, Sterling went up and up in value, so as a result, the government had to go round putting up taxes, you see, to stop everyone going out and splashing out, spending all their cash on cheap imports.

Dalam penulisan bahasa inggris, sequence of tenses adalah logika yang mengatur tentang tenses, misalnya sebuah kejadian di future tense tidak bisa terjadi di past tense. Dalam writing, sequence of tenses menentukan dimana sebuah kejadian terjadi. Kejadian past tense datang sebelum kejadian present tense, kejadian present tense datang sebelum kejadian future tense dll. Hal ini bisa kita lihat pada if clause.
Contohnya :
1.Jika seorang berkata “I need to go to the store” maka anda harus mengatakannya “she said that she needed to go to the store” anda mengubah “need” menjadi “needed” padahal kejadiannya masih sama-sama dalam present tense.
2. “if you could meet me at the airport, I would be grateful” ini merupakan kejadian present tense tapi kita mengubah “can” menjadi “could” karena ini adalah conditional sentence.
3. “I wish I had been at the party last night” kalimat ini merupakan kejadian past tense yang tidak terjadi tapi kita menggunakan past perfect untuk mengatakannya.

Dalam penulisan bahasa inggris, PARALEL STRUCTURE adalah menggunakan pola kalimat yang sama untuk menunjukkan kata-kata yang memiliki level kepentingan yang sama. Hal ini bisa terjadi dalam kata, frasa, ataupun klausa. Biasanya untuk membuat paralel structure kita menggunakan kata penghubung, seperti ‘and” dan “or”

Contohnya :
1. Contoh paralel structure dalam kata menggunakan gerund “mary like hiking, swimming, and bicyling” atau menggunakan infinitive “mary likes to hike, swim, and ride a bicycle” jika menggunakan paralel structure kita tidak boleh mencampurnya seperti dalam kalimat “mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicycle”
2. Contoh paralel structure dalam frasa “the teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careless manner. And lacked motivation” semua frasa dalam kalimat diatas menggunakan frasa kerja “waited”, “complited”, dan “lacked”, penggunaan paralel structure dalam frasa pun tidak boleh dicampur seperti dalam kalimat “the teacher said thet he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his lab problems in a careless manner and his motivation was low”.
3.Paralel structure yang dimulai dengan menggunakan klausa juga harus diikuti dengan klausa yang sama, jika pola klausa berubah maka akan melanggar paralel structure seperti dalam kalimat “the coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat to much, and to do some warm up exercises before the game” klausa “ to do some warm up exercises before the game” memiliki pola yang berbeda dengan dua klausa sebelumnya maka kalimat diatas tidaklah paralel structure, seharusnya kalimat sebenarnya “the coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm up exercises before the game”.

Dalam penulisan bahasa inggris, antecedent adalah kata yang digantikan oleh pronoun. Kata antecedent berarti “sebelumnya”. Hal ini dikarenakan pronoun sering menggantikan kata sebelumnya atau kata yang sudah disebutkan terlebih dahulu sebelumnya.
Contohnya :
1.      “when you see the profesor, please tell him I”ll be 10 minutes late” dalam kalimat ini kata “profesor” merupakan antecedent dan kata “him” merupakan pronoun dari kata “profesor” yang terlebih dahulu disebutkan.
2.      “gail called to say she will arrive at 7 o’clock “ dalam kalimat ini “gail merupakan antecedent dan kata “she” merupakan pronoun.
3.      “The man who lives next door lost his driving license” dalam contoh ini kata “man” merupakan antecedent dari relative pronoun “his”.
Walaupun arti kata antecedent adalah “sebelumnya” antecedent tidak selalu disebutkan di awal, namun bisa juga disebutkan setelah pronoun seperti dalam kalimat “when you see him, please tell the profesor I”ll be late 10 minutes” kata profesor masih merupakan antecedent dari pronoun “him” namun kata “profesor” disebutkan di akhir setelah pronoun.

      4.  REDUDANCY
Dalam penulisan bahasa inggris, redudancy adalah kata yang mubazir untuk ditulis atau diucapkan untuk kedua kalinya karena memiliki kesamaan arti dengan kata sebelumnya.
Contohnya :
1.      “if all of us cooperate together, we will succeed” dalam kalimat tersebut kata “cooperate” dan “together” digunakan, padahal mereka memiliki arti yang sama. Salah satu dari kata tersebut seharusnya dihilangkan agar kalimatnya menjadi benar seperti “if all of us cooperate, we will succed” atau “if all of us work together, we will succeed”
2.      “The accused was guilty of false misstatement” kata “false” dan “misstatement” memiliki arti yang sama, maka kita harus menghilangkan salah satunya seperti “the accused was guilty of misstatement”
3.      “ it was the general consensus of opinion that we must go to the movie” dua kata yang memiliki arti yang sama dalam kalimat tersebut adalah kata “consensus” dan “opinion”, maka kita harus menghilangkan salah satunya agar menjadi kalimat yang benar “it was the general opinion that we must go to the movie”

Dalam penulisan bahasa inggris, dangling construction adalah sebuah modifier yang gagal dalam kalimat. Tugas modifier adalah mendeskripsikan secara khusus sebuah kata.
Contohnya :
1.      “ having read your letter, my cat will stay indoors until the ducklings fly off” dalam kaimat ini secara arti menyatakan bahwa kucing itu sedang membaca surat padahal maksut penulis sebenarnya adalah kita akan membiarkan kucing di dalam rumah selama kita membaca surat. Seharusnya modifier yang tepat adalah “ having read your letter, we will keep our cat indoors until the ducklings fly off”
2.      “ Meticulous and punctual, david’s work ethic is admirable” modifier “meticulous and punctual” gagal menjelaskan “david’ dan malah menjelaskan “david’s work ethic”. Kalimat yang seharusnya adalah “meticulous and punctual, david has an admirable work ethic”.
3.      “Having seen blackpool tower, the eiffel tower is more impressive” dalam kalimat ini modifier “having seen blackpool tower” seharusnya tidak menjelaskan eiffel tower karena artinya akan janggal, kalimat yang benar seharusnyaa “having seen blackpool tower, she thinks the eiffel tower is more impressive”.

Selasa, 29 April 2014


Exercise 1
1.      He tried to avoid answering my question.
2.      Could you please stop making so much noise?
3.      I enjoy listening to music.
4.      I considered being for the job but in the end I decided againts it.
5.      Have you finished washing your hair yet?
6.      If you walk into the road without looking, you risk seeing knocked down.
7.      Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on working
8.      I don’t mind you using the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.
9.      Hello! Fancy being you here! What a surprise!
10.  I’ve put off writting the letter so many times. I really do it today.
11.  What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody, being so stupid?
12.  Sarah gave up being trying to find a job im this country and decided to go abroad.

Exercise 2
1.      I can do what I want and you can’t stop me.
You can’t stop me doing what I want.
2.      It’s not good idea to travel during the rush hour.
It’s better to avoid traveling during the rush hour.
3.      Shall we go tommorow instead of today?
Shall we postpone go today, but tommorow.
4.      Could you turn the radio down, please?
Would you mind to turn the radio down?
5.      Please don’t interrupt me all the time.
Would you mind to don’t interrupt me all the time.

Exercise 3
1.      Don’t forget to post the letter I gave you.
2.      There was a lot of traffic but we managed to arrive to the airport in time.
3.      Jill has decided not to buy a car.
4.      We’ve got a new computer in our office. I haven’t learnt to use it yet.
5.      I wonder where Sue is. She promise not to be late.
6.      We were all to afraid to speak. Nobody dared to tell anything.

Exercise 4
1.      When i’m tired, I enjoy watching television. It’s relaxing.
2.      It was a nice day, so we decided to go for a walk.
3.      It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy going for a walk?
4.      I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind to wait.
5.      They don’t have much money. They can’t afford going out very often.
6.      I wish that dog would stop barking. It’s driving me mad.
7.      Our neighbour thereatened calling the police if we didn’t stop the noise.
8.      We were hungry, so I suggested having dinner early.
9.      Hurry up! I don’t want to risk missing the train.
10.  I’m still looking for a job but I hope to find something soon.

Gerund & Infinitive

Gerund (verb + ing) dan Infinitive (to + verb) sama-sama merupakan kata kerja yang dapat berfungsi sebagai subject, object, dan noun complement didalam suatu kalimat.


Gerund adalah “verb” dalam bentuk “present participle” seperti “swimming”, walking, listening, etc” Pada kalimat  “I like swimming” “swimming” adalah “gerund”. Sama sekali tidak berkaitan dgn sedang berenang.

Infinitive adalah “verb” dlm bentuk dasar digabung dgn “to”  Pada kalimat “I forgot to buy milk,” “to buy” adalah infinitive.
1. Subjek
    Gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek pada sebuah kalimat.
    Contoh :
    - Dancing is my hobby.
      (Menari adalah hobi saya.)
    - Playing football is my favorite sport.
      (Bermain sepak bola adalah olahraga favorit saya.)
2. Objek
    Gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai objek dari kata kerja transitif dalam suatu kalimat.
    Contoh :
    - I like reading.
      (Saya suka membaca.)
    - They practice speaking English.
      (Mereka mempraktikan berbicara bahas Inggris.)
3. Objek Preposisi
    Gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai objek yang hadir setelah preposisi.
    Contoh :
    - They are thinking of going home late.
      (Mereka memikirkan pulang termbat ke rumah.)
    - I am tired of waiting.
      (Saya lelah menunggu.)
4. Adjective
   Gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai adjective atau kata sifat yang berfungsi menerangkan suatu kata      benda.
   - He doesn't have a driving licence.
     (Dia tidak memiliki surat izin mengemudi.)
   - She needs a walking stick.
     (Dia memerluakan tongkat untuk berjalan.)
5. Larangan pendek
    Gerund dapat digunakan dalam kalimat larangan pendek.
    Contoh :
    - No smoking.
      (Dilarang merokok.)
    - No fishing.
      (Dilarang memancing.
Contoh Gerund:
1.      She enjoys talking about Me.
2.      They avoid discussing too much.
Contoh Infinitive:
1.      He helped me to slove the problem.
2.      She asked me to call you.

Singular and Plural Nouns

A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

Usually, the first page of a grammar book tells you about nounsNouns give names of concrete or abstractthings in our lives. As babies learn "mom," "dad," or "milk" as their first wordnouns should be the first topicwhen you study a foreign language

For the plural form of most nouns, add s.
·         bottle – bottles
·         cup – cups
·         pencil – pencils
·         desk – desks
·         sticker – stickers
·         window – windows

For nouns that end in ch, x, s, or s sounds, add es.
·         box – boxes
·         watch – watches
·         moss – mosses
·         bus – buses

For nouns ending in f or fe, change f to v and add es.
·         wolf – wolves
·         wife – wives
·         leaf – leaves
·         life – lives

Some nouns have different plural forms.
·         child – children
·         woman – women
·         man – men
·         mouse – mice
·         goose – geese
Nouns ending in vowels like y or o do not have definite rules.
·         baby – babies
·         toy – toys
·         kidney – kidneys
·         potato – potatoes
·         memo – memos
·         stereo – stereos

A few nouns have the same singular and plural forms.
·         sheep – sheep
·         deer – deer
·         series – series
·         species – species

Verb Phrases

Verbs are words that demonstrate an action, like sing, dance, smell, talk, and eat. They serve as a link between the subject of the verb and information about that subject. The information is usually descriptive.
In order to show activities that can be done, active verbs are used, while linking verbs describe conditions.
·         She smells the pizza. (active)  The wet dog smells awful. (linking)
·         He appears on screen as an actor. (active)  Tony appears angry. (linking)
Verb phrases take the verb one step further by comprising the verb, plus the complement, object, or adverb. Verb phrases, such as "She was walking quickly to the mall" comprise the verb (walking) and the complement (to the mall).
To learn more about verb phrases see Verb Phrase.

Verb Phrase Examples

A verb phrase can be the predicate of the clause or sentence. A verb phrase can also be a phrase that functions as an adverb or adjective and contains a verb and its complements, objects, or modifiers.

Phrase Is the Predicate of the Sentence

Following are some verb phrase examples where the verb phrase is the predicate of a sentence. In this case, the verb phrase consists of the main verb plus any auxiliary, or helping, verbs.
·         She was walking quickly to the mall.
·         He should wait before going swimming.
·         Those girls are not trying very hard.
·         Ted might eat the cake.
·         You must go right now.
·         You can’t eat that!
·         My mother is fixing us some dinner.
·         Words were spoken.
·         These cards may be worth hundreds of dollars!
·         The teacher is writing a report.
·         You have woken up everyone in the neighborhood.

Phrase Functions as an Adverb or Adjective

Some verb phrases have a single function which means it can act like an adverb or an adjective. The phrase would include the verb and any modifiers, complements, or objects.
·         Texting on his phone, the man swerved into a ditch.
·         As the cat watched, the two puppies fought over a bone.
·         The small dog was reluctant to learn new things.
·         When he arrives, we can try to build a fort.
·         Finally, we can afford to buy a new house.
·         Walking on the ice, she slipped and fell.
·         Open the door to let the fresh air in.
·         To make lemonade, you first need some lemons.
·         It takes two people to tango.

All of these different verb phrases demonstrate how the dependents of the verb provide important useful information for the reader about the action in the sentence. Verb phrases help to make your text more informative and meaningful and they are essential to clear writing.